Update: Hello everyone I have been so busy lately with work. I feel like that has been the story of my life all summer. School is just around the corner and I couldn't be happier. Do you ever have those moments where you feel like running away? Well that's exactly how I feel right now. Lately I have been thinking to myself and have come to a conclusion what my next step is going to be. I was offered an educational opportunity in San Francisco but my heart wasn't in it so I didn't bother. Which leads me to New York in January! I am so ready for a change and I couldn't be more happy with my decision.
"If you get a chance in life take it, if it changes your life let it, no one promised it would easy, they just promised it would be worth it".
I have been looking all over for these Spring Courts and I finally found them :)
I brought this necklace today and below is the meaning and above is the picture (the big one in middle)
Translation: n. godsend, windfall
Definition: To receive an unexpected material fortune.